You look good. It has to be true -- your mother tells you so all the time. But her completely unbiased opinion aside, who's to say that you couldn't look even better?
There are many ways to improve your "look." You can get a new dress, new shoes, new nose, lose weight, gain weight, or visit a monk and get your soul cleansed. But these methods all involve time, money, or delayed gratification. You want to look prettier NOW, and for FREE, dammit! Well, that may be a tad unrealistic, but there is a way to improve your general appearance in a couple of minutes and at a relatively low cost: improve the way you slap on that makeup.
With powder puff in hand, we're here to guide you through the sometimes glamorous, sometimes complicated world of makeup. We'll show you what to buy, how to put it on, and even how to take it all off when the day is done. And we've included some cool makeup tips for all you already makeup-savvy gals, too.
But before we get down to business: you should take what you're about to learn from this SYW and use it to wear makeup as an accessory, not a mask. Yes, it's corny, and we're sorry, but we just had to tell you one more time (because your mom kept bugging us): Makeup will make your face look nice, but it's inner beauty that counts the most.
Now let's do something about that heinous face of yours!
Just to make sure you don't leave the house looking like you should be part of a circus clown act, check out this video on how to apply the right amount of rouge and more.
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